Saturday, July 17, 2010


We've been watching the CrossFit Games all day on the live feed.  It's amazing!  If you enjoy watching the olympics or sporting events you will love it.  It will either make you want to start CrossFitting tonight or never want to go near it.  I hope that it makes you want to at least look into it, because the results these athletes get physically and physiologically can't be denied!
I would really like to volunteer at the games next year.  Either as an ATC or a rep counter or even at the t-shirt stand.  It would be awesome!


Today's workout was the first competition for the CrossFit games last night.  It is named after Amanda Miller who is a CrossFitter that died of cancer recently.

I performed the following:

18 jumping muscle ups
9 x 95 lb snatch
14 jumping muscle ups
7 x 95 lb snatch
10 x jumping muscle ups
5 x 95 lb snatch

Time: 12:35

The 95 lb snatches were harder than I thought they would be.  I even had to bail on one that I lost over the back of my head.  It would be nice to have some bumper plates at the gym.  Bumper plates are all the same height as a standard 45 lb plate but are rubber coated and have a bunch of different weights.  It makes it easier and safer to drop a weight and easier to start with good form from the ground. 

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