Monday, June 28, 2010

Day 8 - Blisters in the Sun

After doing death by pullups yesterday, my hands were already hurting with a couple small blisters.  I was planning on wrapping my hands or at least putting on some bandaids, but by the time I got to the gym for todays workout I completely forgot.  I didn't think it would be that big of a deal, but boy was I wrong.

Today's workout called for heavy deadlifts and hand stand pushups 5 rounds of 5 each.  The first round of deadlifts (225#) weren't bad, but by the second I felt one of the blisters pop!  Great!!  As I kept going they started to get tugged on more and pull apart and.... crap... four open blisters!  I just had to finish, so I did.

I was planning on cashing out with some bent over dumbbell rows but couldn't hold on to anything.  Man it sucks.  Instead I did some knees to elbows on the captain's chair.

Cash in:
Burgener warmup
Barbbell complexe warm up
dynamic stretching
Air squats and pushups

5 rounds for time
5 x 225# deadlift
5 handstand pushups (feet on bench)
Time: 10:27

Cash out:
21-15-9 knee raises on captain's chair

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