Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Day 9/10 - Rest/ I'm a Shut-In

Day 9 was a rest day.  I actually cheated today and had a milkshake from Sonic.  It was good, but never worth it when it's all over.

Day 10
Kelsa is Nerding it up tonight at an early release of the new Twilight movie so I am stuck in the house.  I'd rather not ride my bike to the gym in the 108 degree heat, so I need to do some workout at home. 

I decided to do max reps of the following for 5 rounds:
                      Parallette pushups               Stability ball pushups
Round 1                       9                                        12
2                                  7                                         8
3                                  8                                         6
4                                  6                                         6
5                                  6                                         5


It was a lot harder than I thought.  Those parallettes make you go super deep into your pushups, plus the ball pushups require a lot of core strength and use more triceps than a regular pushups.