Thursday, July 15, 2010

I was running...

Yesterday was a rest day, so I was ready to get back at it today.  It has been a long week at work and I was dreading working out and excited about it at the same time.  It always makes me feel better, but I hate struggling through a workout when I'm exhausted.  My boss is out of town, so I am seeing a majority of his patients and all of mine as well.  I will see about 90 patients this week, which doubles my average and is almost 50% more than my record for a week. 

Today's workout was running 400 meter intervals at a 1:1 ratio for 20 minutes.  This means I run 400 meters (1/4 mile) as fast as I can and rest for exactly that amount of time.  I repeat this for 20 minutes.  I was able to complete 1.75 miles. 

I cashed out with a bench press drop set as follows:
125 x 4
105 x 9
85 x 12
65 x 12

Tomorrow is deadlifts.  Plus we are going to a party.  Saturday is a possible river tubing adventure with some of kelsa's coworkers, then the roller derby!  We have 3 other couples going and we are going to get together before we leave to have a couple of drinks and play some rock band.  It should be an awesome weekend!

1 comment:

teacherwoman said...

Great job on the workout. Those days that we dread and look forward to working out at the same time are the most challenging - mentally. Way to get 'er done!